Saturday, May 26, 2012

Taxi Panel May Raise Fares Up to 20%

New York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission agreed on Monday to formally consider a proposal from the yellow cab industry that they would raise taxi fares by 20 percent, a significant increase to a pricing structure that has been virtually unchanged since 2006. It is said to take effect in mid-July. This is especially because of the raise in gas prices. The average taxi ride in January cost $11.82, for a trip of slightly less than three miles. A 20 percent increase would bring that fare to $14.18.
“The fare hasn’t changed since 2006, so it is reasonable for taxi drivers and fleet owners to put this on the table,” David S. Yassky, the taxi and limousine commissioner, said in a statement on Monday.

I think that this is just too much. The demand for money increases everyday and transportation is starting to get in the way of income. It does make sense for the taxi companies though, with gas prices raising, they will need more income for gas and a 20 percent increase in income keeps them safe. It is the customers that in trouble now. I think that there is not really a way out of this. While the demand for gas rises, the natural resource decreases so it becomes more valuable and expensive. The price of things are raising but so is minimum wage. To finalize, this 20 percent increase benefits the workers and the


1 comment:

  1. I don't like the idea to this. I agree with the gas price increasing but it's shocking to read that they will increase taxi fare because it already cost a lot of money to travel around NY because of the traffic. But a positive point is that, in NY many of the places are close by so it is walking distance. Maybe this can help the economy in a physical way!
