Monday, May 28, 2012

Sherpas recover body of Canadian climber who died on Everest

The body of Shriya Shah-Klorfine has been found 7,800 meters high from Mt. Everest but it was later brought down to 6,500 meters by Sherpas (a member of the Himalayan people living in Nepal who are famous for their skill as mountaineers). They reached a height where a helicopter can pick them up. Bruce Klorfine, Shriya's husband, was obviously distressed about this happening and he decided to get her cremated there.
“It was important to bring closure to this tragedy,” said Bikram Lamba, a mentor and friend. “She conquered Mount Everest, but Mount Everest is a cruel opponent and it took her.”
Many people later said that where Shriya passed is not such a bad place to die.
“I know it’s risky but we didn’t force anybody,” Ms. Ahuja said. “We didn’t make them. We said only ‘if it is possible’.”

I think that all of things that people had to say were true. That how people who want to climb Mt. Everest are doing it at their own risk and that nobody is forcing them but it is a great experience. It is a crazy accomplishment to be able to say that you climbed Mt. Everest. I know people who have climbed Mt. Everest and at the time, they felt like they wanted to die and that they just wanted to turn back but when they finished, they couldn't think of a better experience that ever had in their lives. One thing that I can't understand is why her husband wasn't there climbing with her. He might have changed the difference between life and death for his wife.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Edward! I like your choice of this news. I remember I watched this news two days on CBC News Channel. It is said that the major reason why Shriya died is that she didn't have enough professional training. I agree with you that some people would like to die when they conquer Everest. But, I think it is the same thing as suicide to some extent, and suicide is illegal. I admire people's courage to conquer Everest; however, before they go there, they need solid training.
