Friday, February 10, 2012

Boy bullied to death

An 11 year old boy who lost his mother from cancer three years ago committed suicide because he has been bullied to that point. This child was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy the year after his mother died. Muscular dystrophy is the condition which consists of weakening of the muscles so Mitchell could not run and jump like the other kids but he was always has a smile on his face. Mitchell went for walks quite often everyday so he can use his muscles, as instructed by the doctors. He was quite popular in his neighborhood also. One day when he was going for a walk, this bully that he knows from school walks up to him and pushes him to the ground causing Mitchell to hit his face on the ground knocking off a chunk of his two front teeth. The bully then stole Mitchell's phone and ran. Luckily, Mitchell's step mom was driving around the corner to where Mitchell was lying on the ground in pain. She saw the young bully with the phone and she drove towards him, the bully then threw the phone at the car and ran. They tried to take this to court and the bully did not get in any trouble and this caused Mitchell to get very stressed and end up wrapping a plastic bag around his face to kill himself.

I think that this is a stressful story for me because I am realizing what this world is coming to. A young guy trying to steal the belongings of a disabled eleven year old child. It isn't even like Mitchell did anything to the bully, he just wanted to take his things. This also shows what court can do to a little disabled eleven year old child. They didn't believe the child and it caused him to kill himself because of the stress they put on him. After the little boy got rejected, Mitchell still saw the bully at school walking free and this depressed him.


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